Wisdombookに載せたspider-man no way home のMovieClipsが視聴できなくなったことについて


先ほどWisdombookにアクセスしたところ、シェアさせていただいたSpider-man No Way HomeのFandango MovieClips社のMovieClipsが視聴できなくなっていました。

YoutubeでFandango MovieClipsのチャンネルにアクセスしたところ、全てのSpider-man No Way Homeのクリップが削除されていました。



I just accessed Wisdombook and found that the MovieClips by Fandango MovieClips for Spider-man No Way Home that I shared with you are no longer available.

I accessed the Fandango MovieClips channel on Youtube and found that all Spider-man No Way Home clips had been removed.

We have been able to locate the cause of the problem but apologize for the fact that you are no longer able to view the corresponding articles. We also apologize for the loss of access to

We have removed the article in question because we believe that it is detrimental to the Wisdombook landscape to have thumbnails like this displayed all the time.
