一風変わったアニメーターAlan Beckerについて

※The videos in this article were made using Youtube's share function.

今回はAnimation vs Animator, Animation vs Minecraftなどで有名なAlan Beckerについて書いていこうと思う。


Alan Becker氏の作品について

Alan Beckerのアニメーション作品に多くみられるのは(ほぼ全てにおいて)、
棒人間がデスクトップ上でAlan Becker氏のマウスカーソルと繰り広げる斬新なものだ。

ちなみに、これが今Alan Becker氏のチャンネルに現存している一番古いアニメーションであるAnimator vs. Animation。これの一つ前にもアニメーションが一つ存在するが(Animator vs. Animation II (original))、それはタイトルにもある通り、Animation ”II”なのでAnimator vs. Animationの続編というか、次の作品である。

これらAlan Becker氏の作品は数千万〜数億再生されており、いかにすごいのかがうかがえる。

また、この二つのbehind the scenesから分かる通り、一つ一つのアニメーションにとてつもない時間と労力をかけており、

代表的な作品の一つであるAnimator vs. Animation IVでは、Facebookの画面や、iPhoneの画面を全て手作りでコピー(そっくりに作る)して、それをさらにアニメーションにしているのだ。

また、同氏の大人気シリーズであるAnimation vs Minecraftでは、爆発のモーションから何から何まで、ゲームをプレイして観察した上で真似て作っているのだ。

Youtubeでaと打っただけで候補の2個目にはAlan Becker氏の作品が。

また、Alanと検索するとチャンネル登録者数4000万人越えの大人気DJ"Alan" Walker氏の上に候補があるのだ。

In this issue, I will write about Alan Becker, famous for Animation vs Animator, Animation vs Minecraft, etc.
The reason is simple: I like him a lot.

This article is not what you might call a "shit blog".
(Who is his girlfriend and where does he come from? (The kind that gets a lot of page views, like annual income, height, etc.)

About Alan Becker's work
What is common in many of Alan Becker's animated works (and almost all of them)
The novelty of a stick figure playing with Alan Becker's mouse cursor on the desktop.

Incidentally, this is the earliest existing Animator vs. Animation on Alan Becker's channel, although there is an earlier animation (Animator vs. Animation II (original)) that is also available on Alan Becker's channel. As the title says, it is Animation "II," which is a sequel or rather a follow-up to Animator vs.

Alan Becker's works have been viewed tens to hundreds of millions of times, which shows how amazing they are.

As you can see from these two "behind the scenes," a tremendous amount of time and effort is put into each and every animation.

In Animator vs. Animation IV, one of his best-known works, he hand-copied (made an exact copy of) Facebook and iPhone screens, and then animated them further.

In his popular Animation vs. Minecraft series, he mimics everything from the motion of an explosion to the game he plays and observes.

His current subscriber count is 18.4M (2022/03/17) and will continue to grow.

Just type "a" on Youtube and the second candidate is Alan Becker's work.

Also, if you search for "Alan," you will find Alan Becker's work as the second candidate above that of the very popular DJ "Alan" Walker, who has over 40 million subscribers on his channel.

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